Logistics cycle simulation

Spending a lot of time and money on logistical testing, but cannot pion down the reasons for losses?
You are able to replace the storage test and transport test with easily reproducible and controlled laboratory testing, which take under 5 days to complete. In our lab, we will simulate mechanical and atmospheric effects on the package during the logistics cycle, taking into account the individual operational conditions of your packaged goods or according to ISTA standards.What are the benefits of lab tests?
Testing during the design phase
You are able to run the tests during design phase, which will guarantee packaging ability to withstand the stresses of the most complex logistics cycle. All this will be achieved with minimum waste of your time and product.
Optimizing packaging systems without the risk of product loss
Reproducible and controlled testing in the labs allow you to determine the admissible optimization threshold for all types of packaging in the transport pallet.

You will be able to check current packaging and determine the objective causes for losses
Reproducible and controlled laboratory testing is able to identify the real product loss causes.You can learn more about the testing process from your manager, directly from
laboratory manager or on our special website 4th-dimension.info.