LLC "Gotek-Service Supplying Center"

LLC "Gotek-Service Supplying Center" is a company rendering related services to the enterprises of the group and assisting in their production activities (control of incoming raw materials and quality of finished products, procurement of auxiliary materials, preparation for production)

Director of LLC "Gotek-SSC"
In addition, we provide storage and delivery of finished products for our customers.
Along with the production enterprises of the group, we are involved in a seamless chain of relationship with our customers, built on trust and mutual respect. We also promote this culture in building relationships internally.
In addition to the processes associated with the continuous operation of production facilities, our responsibilities include: foreign economic activities, energy supply, repair and maintenance activities. We are also committed to industrial and environmental safety. At the Zheleznogorsk site we have facilities that provide our employees with comfortable working and leisure conditions: a catering center, a sports club and a health center.

What distinguishes us?
LLC "Gotek-SSC" focuses on the following key functions, aimed at ensuring the viability and uninterrupted operation of enterprises located at the Zheleznogorsk site (we render all the services ourselves, without involving any third parties):
Industrial safety
Environmental safety, fire safety.
Testing laboratory
Incoming quality control of raw materials, testing of manufactured goods.
Designing and preproduction
Development of packages and graphic design, prepress.
Transport logistics
Delivery of manufactured goods to customers by various types of transport.
Foreign economic activity
Arrangements with custom authorities.
Warehouse logistics
Inventory accounting and storage of manufactured goods.