Сreative contests
There are so many creative people in our company! That's why holding a variety of contests has become another great opportunity to bring the talents of our employees to light and showcase them to our colleagues. The most popular and mass ones are the photo contest and the arts & crafts contest.

The annual "Happy Moments" photo contest has been held in our company since 2010. The employees post their photos on the company's internal website in several nominations. The jury determines the winners of each and the absolute winner of the contest, and site visitors vote to select the best in the "Audience Choice Award".
Another vibrant contest for arts and crafts amateurs is conducted in spring. Among the techniques on display are embroidery, beadwork, knitting, and painting. The variety of techniques and colors is breathtaking. Choosing the best handicrafts is no simple task for the jury.
As is typical in the finals, the winners of all contests are awarded valuable gifts, and all the spectators join the ride on this memorable and emotional roller coaster.